Mesmerize the Media
Let's get real.
As a woman, it's harder to get media visibility. Are you worried that lack of media savviness prevents you from reaching more people with your message and limits your impact? In today's media-connected world, you need to be a compelling spokesperson and not just an expert. Traditional media training fails to address the unique needs of women.
As TIME's Hero of the Environment and “China’s Green Goddess,” Peggy Liu is one of the highest profile environmentalists in the world. Now she shares practical, immediately actionable advice to help raise your media profile from her personal experiences. Peggy has helped hundreds of women leaders create their personal brand, get more press time, and look great doing it.
In this provocative and honest Media Masterclass for Women, she walks you step-by-step to:
Gain confidence on-stage and on-camera.
Build charisma to connect with and inspire audiences.
Create a unique personal brand that aligns your public and private personas.
Make press beg you for interviews as your industry's go-to guru.
Create a memorable style with clothing, hair, makeup, posture, voice.
Shine across different media formats, from TED talks to documentaries to Vogue photoshoots.
Craft catchy messages that cut through the noise.

Jennifer Risi,
The Sway Effect
The media bible for generations of women leaders and entrepreneurs to come.

Andrea Stürmer,
CEO Zurich Insurance, Austria
Mesmerize the Media has been a true inspiration to me. As a CEO I thought I had successfully worked with media, using pretty technical language to convince my audience. The contrary is true.
This book is for anybody who wants to develop a media presence or take it to the next level. It is for anybody who needs help to develop their own message to be a force for good. It is for anybody who wants to impact the next generation, their country or our planet.

So-Young Kang,
CEO, Gnowbe
As a multi-faceted person leading multiple businesses, it's often hard to describe what I do very simply. Peggy showed me how to pinpoint my personal brand and rise above the noise.